home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 2009-10-11 | 39.4 KB | 1,027 lines |
- /***** Preference Dialog Functions *****/
- const Cc = Components.classes;
- const Ci = Components.interfaces;
- const pBranch = Ci.nsIPrefBranch;
- var gTabmixPrefs = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIPrefBranch2);
- var nsIPrefServiceObj = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIPrefService);
- var winMediator= Cc["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"].getService(Ci.nsIWindowMediator);
- var gPrefs;
- function before_Init() {
- if (/^Mac/.test(navigator.platform)) {
- var label = document.getElementById("tabId").getAttribute("label2");
- document.getElementById("tabId").setAttribute("label", label);
- }
- var topWindow = getMostRecentWindow();
- if (!topWindow.gIsFirefox35) {
- var keepWindow = document.getElementById("keepWindow");
- keepWindow.setAttribute("label", keepWindow.getAttribute("label3"));
- // From Firefox 3.5+ we can close last tab even when the tabbar is hidden
- // in Firefox 3.0 we use observes to disable this if we hide the tabbar
- document.getElementById("keepLastTab").setAttribute("observes", "obs_hideTabbar");
- }
- var ctrlTab = topWindow.document.getElementById("ctrlTab-panel") && "ctrlTab" in topWindow;
- if (!ctrlTab) {
- var tabPreviews = document.getElementById("ctrltab.tabPreviews");
- tabPreviews.parentNode.removeChild(tabPreviews);
- }
- /* Chromifox theme force button height to 25px */
- var skin = gTabmixPrefs.getCharPref("general.skins.selectedSkin");
- if (skin == "cfxec")
- document.getElementById("pref-tabmix").setAttribute("chromifox", true);
- }
- // load all preferences into the dialog
- function TM_EMinit() {
- var browserWindow = getMostRecentWindow();
- toolbarButtons(browserWindow);
- gPrefs = document.getElementsByAttribute("prefstring", "*");
- getTab();
- // show groupbox if incompatible extensions exist in this profile
- if (browserWindow.getExtensions().length == 0)
- document.getElementById("incompatible").collapsed = true;
- // add EventListener when we start
- window.addEventListener("unload", setLastTab, false);
- window.addEventListener("command", TM_enableApply, false);
- window.addEventListener("input", TM_enableApply, false);
- // update tabclicking items that aren't change by tabmix
- TM_Options.setItem("snapBack", "hidden", !(browserWindow.SessionSaver && browserWindow.SessionSaver.snapBackTab));
- var isIE = (browserWindow.IeView && browserWindow.IeView.ieViewLaunch) ||
- (browserWindow.gIeTab && browserWindow.gIeTab.switchTabEngine) ||
- (browserWindow.ieview && browserWindow.ieview.launch);
- TM_Options.setItem("ieView", "hidden", !isIE);
- // check if bookmark item in tab context menu
- TM_Options.setItem("bmMenu", "hidden", !(browserWindow.document.getElementById("context_bookmarkAllTabs")));
- // check if "Browser:BookmarkAllTabs" command exist
- TM_Options.setItem("bmTabsCommand", "hidden", !(browserWindow.document.getElementById("Browser:BookmarkAllTabs")));
- // disable TMP session manager setting if session manager extension is install
- if ("gSessionManager" in browserWindow) {
- document.getElementById("sessionmanager_ext").hidden = false;
- document.getElementById("paneSession-tabbox").selectedIndex = 0;
- document.getElementById("chooseFile").selectedIndex = 1;
- }
- else {
- // create saved Session popup menu
- var popup = document.getElementById("onStart.popup");
- SessionManager.createMenuForDialog(popup);
- }
- // disable options for position the tabbar and scroll mode if TreeStyleTab extension installed
- if ("TreeStyleTabBrowser" in browserWindow) {
- TM_Options.setItem("tabBarPosition", "disabled", true);
- TM_Options.setItem("tabBarPosition.label", "disabled", true);
- TM_Options.setItem("tabScroll", "disabled", true);
- TM_Options.setItem("tabScroll.label", "disabled", true);
- }
- // hide newTabButton.posiotion.afterlast for version prior Firefox 3.5
- if (!browserWindow.gIsFirefox35) {
- var afterLast = document.getElementById("newTabButton.posiotion.afterlast");
- var rigthSide = document.getElementById("newTabButton.posiotion.right");
- rigthSide.hidden = true;
- afterLast.setAttribute("label", rigthSide.getAttribute("label"));
- }
- if (!browserWindow.gIsFirefox36) {
- document.getElementById("allTabsPpreviews").setAttribute("hidden", true);
- }
- // Init tabclicking options
- var menuPopup = document.getElementById("ClickTab").firstChild;
- document.getElementById("ClickTabbar").appendChild(menuPopup.cloneNode(true));
- // verify that all the prefs exist .....
- browserWindow.gTMPprefObserver.addMissingPrefs();
- TM_setElements(false, true);
- // check if apply is on
- // apply changes if we set single window mode status
- TM_EMsave();
- var tabclicking = document.getElementById("tabclicking_tabs");
- // change tab label on Mac. trigger onselect before broadcaster is set
- // so we add the onselect here
- tabclicking.addEventListener("select", tabSelectionChanged, false);
- // for locals with long labels
- var hbox = document.getElementById("focusTab-box");
- var label = document.getElementById("focusTab-label").boxObject.width;
- var menulist = document.getElementById("focusTab");
- if (hbox.boxObject.width > label + menulist.boxObject.width) {
- menulist.parentNode.removeAttribute("pack");
- hbox.setAttribute("orient", "horizontal");
- hbox.setAttribute("align","center");
- }
- hbox = document.getElementById("tabScroll-box");
- label = document.getElementById("tabScroll.label").boxObject.width;
- var menulist = document.getElementById("tabScroll");
- var ident = 23; // we have class="ident"
- if (hbox.boxObject.width > label + menulist.boxObject.width - ident) {
- menulist.parentNode.removeAttribute("pack");
- menulist.parentNode.removeAttribute("class");
- hbox.setAttribute("orient", "horizontal");
- hbox.setAttribute("align","center");
- }
- hbox = document.getElementById("progressMeter-box");
- var progressMeterv = document.getElementById("progressMeter").boxObject.width;
- var noprogress = document.getElementById("noprogress");
- if (hbox.boxObject.width > progressMeterv + noprogress.boxObject.width) {
- noprogress.removeAttribute("class");
- hbox.setAttribute("orient", "horizontal");
- }
- if (/^Linux/.test(navigator.platform))
- sizeToContent();
- window.setTimeout( function () { window.focus();}, 0 );
- }
- // save all preferences entered into the dialog
- function TM_EMsave(onApply) {
- // we only need to save if apply is enabled
- if (!onApply && document.documentElement.getButton("extra1").disabled)
- return true;
- // set flag to prevent TMupdateSettings from run for each change
- gTabmixPrefs.setBoolPref("extensions.tabmix.setDefault", true);
- TM_Options.singleWindow( document.getElementById("singleWindow").checked );
- TM_Options.setTabXUI();
- TM_verifyWidth();
- TM_Options.verify_PostDataBytes();
- document.documentElement.getButton("accept").focus();
- document.documentElement.getButton("extra1").disabled = true;
- if (!("undefined" in applyData)) {
- for (var _pref in applyData)
- setPrefByType(_pref, applyData[_pref]);
- }
- else {
- // this part is only if the applayData fail for some unknown reason
- // we don't supposed to get here
- for (var i = 0; i < gPrefs.length; ++i )
- setPrefByType(gPrefs[i].getAttribute("prefstring"), getValue(gPrefs[i]));
- }
- // set saved sessionpath if loadsession >=0
- var TMP_manager_enabled = gTabmixPrefs.getBoolPref("extensions.tabmix.sessions.manager");
- if (TMP_manager_enabled) {
- var val = gTabmixPrefs.getIntPref("extensions.tabmix.sessions.onStart.loadsession");
- var popup = document.getElementById("onStart.popup");
- var pref = "extensions.tabmix.sessions.onStart.sessionpath";
- gTabmixPrefs.setCharPref(pref, popup.getElementsByAttribute("value", val)[0].getAttribute("session"));
- }
- applyData = [];
- gTabmixPrefs.clearUserPref("extensions.tabmix.setDefault"); // this trigger TMupdateSettings
- TM_Options.isSessionStoreEnabled(true);
- callUpdateSettings();
- nsIPrefServiceObj.savePrefFile(null); // store the pref immediately
- return true;
- }
- function callUpdateSettings() {
- var pref = "extensions.tabmix.PrefObserver.error";
- if (gTabmixPrefs.prefHasUserValue(pref) && gTabmixPrefs.getBoolPref(pref)) {
- var wnd, enumerator = winMediator.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
- while (enumerator.hasMoreElements()) {
- wnd = enumerator.getNext();
- wnd.TMupdateSettings();
- }
- }
- }
- function TM_verifyWidth() {
- var minWidth = document.getElementById("minWidth");
- var maxWidth = document.getElementById("maxWidth");
- var minValue = minWidth.value;
- var maxValue = maxWidth.value;
- if (maxValue - minValue < 0) {
- minWidth.value = maxValue;
- maxWidth.value = minValue;
- }
- if (minWidth.value < 22)
- minWidth.value = 22;
- if (minValue != minWidth.value)
- updateApplyData(minWidth);
- if (maxValue != maxWidth.value)
- updateApplyData(maxWidth);
- }
- var TM_Options = {
- checkDependant: function(start) {
- this.singleWindow( document.getElementById("singleWindow").checked );
- var broadcasters = document.getElementById("disabled:Broadcaster");
- for (var i = 0; i < broadcasters.childNodes.length; ++i ) {
- var _id = broadcasters.childNodes[i].id.replace("obs_", "");
- this.disabled(_id, start);
- }
- this.setTabXUI();
- this.addTabXUI();
- this.selectTab();
- this.tabScroll();
- this.speLink();
- this.newTabUrl(document.getElementById("loadOnNewTab"), false, false);
- this.setShowTabList();
- this.setDisabeled_replaceLastTabWith();
- this.isSessionStoreEnabled(false);
- this.setDisabled("obs_ss_postdata", document.getElementById("ss_postdata").value == 2);
- this.setDisabled("obs_hideTabbar", document.getElementById("hideTabbar").value != 0);
- },
- disabled: function(itemOrId, start) {
- var item = typeof(itemOrId) == "string" ? document.getElementById(itemOrId) : itemOrId;
- var val = item.getAttribute("inverseDependency") ? item.checked : !item.checked;
- if (start && !val)
- return;
- this.setDisabled("obs_" + item.id, val);
- },
- setDisabled: function(id, val) {
- if (val == true)
- this.setItem(id, "disabled" , val);
- else {
- // remove disabled from all observers,
- // we can't edit textbox-input with disabled=null or disabled=false
- // textbox-input inherits the dislabled attribute from the textbox
- // all broadcaster has no disabled attribute at startup
- var aBroadcaster = document.getElementById(id);
- if (aBroadcaster.hasAttribute("disabled")) {
- aBroadcaster.removeAttribute("disabled");
- }
- }
- },
- newTabUrl: function(item, disable, setFocus) {
- var showTabUrlBox = item.selectedItem.value == 4;
- var idnum = item.getAttribute("idnum") || "" ;
- this.setDisabled("newTabUrlLabel" + idnum, !showTabUrlBox || disable);
- this.setDisabled("newTabUrl" + idnum, !showTabUrlBox || disable);
- if (setFocus && showTabUrlBox)
- document.getElementById("newTabUrl" + idnum).focus();
- },
- setDisabeled_replaceLastTabWith: function() {
- // we disable replaceLastTabWith if one of this test is true
- // browser.tabs.closeWindowWithLastTab == true OR
- // extensions.tabmix.keepLastTab = true OR
- // extensions.tabmix.hideTabbar != 0
- // when we enable the item we need to set the disable state for newTabUrl_1
- var closeWindow = !document.getElementById("keepWindow").checked // inverted pref;
- var keepLastTab = document.getElementById("keepLastTab").checked
- var hideTabbar;
- if (!getMostRecentWindow().gIsFirefox35)
- hideTabbar = document.getElementById("hideTabbar").value != 0;
- var disable = closeWindow || keepLastTab || hideTabbar;
- this.setDisabled("obs_replaceLastTabWith", disable);
- this.newTabUrl(document.getElementById("replaceLastTabWith"), disable, !disable);
- },
- addTabXUI: function() {
- var tabXValue = document.getElementById("addTabXUI").selectedItem.value;
- this.setItem("tabXdelaycheck", "hidden", tabXValue != 2 && tabXValue != 4);
- this.setItem("tabXwidthBox", "hidden", tabXValue != 5);
- },
- setTabXUI: function() {
- if (document.getElementById("flexTabs").checked) {
- var tabXUI = document.getElementById("addTabXUI");
- if ( tabXUI.selectedItem.value == 5) {
- updateApplyData(tabXUI, 1);
- this.addTabXUI();
- }
- }
- },
- selectTab: function() {
- var focusType = document.getElementById("selectTab").checked ? "bg":"fg";
- var val = document.getElementById("showInverseLink").getAttribute(focusType+"label");
- this.setItem("showInverseLink", "label", val);
- },
- tabScroll: function() {
- var selectedValue = document.getElementById("tabScroll").value;
- var vis = selectedValue == 2 ? "visibility: visible" : "visibility: hidden";
- this.setItem("maxbar", "style", vis);
- },
- speLink: function() {
- var spelink = document.getElementById("speLink").selectedItem.value;
- document.getElementById("inverselinks").disabled = spelink != 2 && document.getElementById("midcurrent").checked;
- },
- singleWindow: function(enableSingleWindow) {
- if ( enableSingleWindow ) {
- function updateStatus(itemId, testVal, test, newVal) {
- var item = document.getElementById(itemId);
- test = test ? item.value == testVal : item.value != testVal
- if ( test ) {
- updateApplyData(item, newVal);
- }
- }
- updateStatus("externalLinkTarget", 2, true, 3);
- updateStatus("divertedWindowOpen", 0, false, 0);
- updateStatus("generalWindowOpen", 2, true, 3);
- }
- },
- verify_PostDataBytes: function() {
- var ss_postdatabytes = document.getElementById("ss_postdatabytes");
- var val = ss_postdatabytes.value;
- if (val == "-" || val == "") {
- updateApplyData(ss_postdatabytes, val == "" ? "0" : "-1");
- }
- },
- isSessionStoreEnabled: function (checkService) {
- var browserWindow = getMostRecentWindow();
- if (checkService)
- browserWindow.TMP_SessionStore.setService(2, false, window);
- if ("gSessionManager" in browserWindow)
- return;
- var sessionStoreEnabled = browserWindow.TMP_SessionStore.isSessionStoreEnabled();
- var currentState = document.getElementById("sessionstore_0").checked;
- if (currentState != sessionStoreEnabled || (!checkService && !sessionStoreEnabled)) {
- document.getElementById("sessionstore_0").checked = sessionStoreEnabled;
- document.getElementById("sessionstore_1").checked = sessionStoreEnabled;
- document.getElementById("paneSession-tabbox").selectedIndex = sessionStoreEnabled ? 1 : 2;
- }
- },
- setSessionsOptions: function (item, id) {
- var useSessionManager = !item.checked;
- document.getElementById("paneSession-tabbox").selectedIndex = item.checked ? 1 : 2;
- document.getElementById(id).checked = item.checked;
- document.getElementById(id).focus();
- function updateSessionPrefs(aItemId, aValue) {
- var item = document.getElementById(aItemId);
- updateApplyData(item, aValue);
- }
- // TMP session pref
- updateSessionPrefs("sessionManager", useSessionManager);
- updateSessionPrefs("sessionCrashRecovery", useSessionManager);
- // sessionstore pref
- updateSessionPrefs("browser.warnOnRestart", !useSessionManager);
- updateSessionPrefs("browser.warnOnQuit", !useSessionManager);
- updateSessionPrefs("resume_from_crash", !useSessionManager);
- // "browser.startup.page"
- updateSessionPrefs("browserStartupPage", useSessionManager ? 1 : 3);
- },
- setUndoCloseCache: function (item) {
- var undoCloseCache = document.getElementById("undoCloseCache");
- var currentValue = undoCloseCache.value;
- var newValue = item.checked ? 10 : 0;
- if (newValue != currentValue) {
- updateApplyData(undoCloseCache, newValue);
- }
- },
- setUndoClose: function (item) {
- if (item.value == "")
- item.value = 0;
- if (item.value == 0) {
- var undoClose = document.getElementById("undoClose");
- undoClose.checked = false;
- this.disabled(undoClose);
- this.setUndoCloseCache(undoClose);
- }
- },
- setShowTabList: function () {
- // we only need this in Firefox 3.5+
- if (document.getElementById("ctrltab.tabPreviews") == null)
- return;
- var disableShowTabList = document.getElementById("ctrltab").checked &&
- document.getElementById("ctrltab.tabPreviews").checked;
- this.setDisabled("showTabList", disableShowTabList);
- if (!document.getElementById("obs_showTabList").hasAttribute("disabled"))
- this.setDisabled("respondToMouse", disableShowTabList);
- },
- // Set given attribute of specified item.
- // If the value is null, then it removes the attribute
- // (which works nicely for the disabled attribute).
- setItem: function (id, attrib, val) {
- var item = document.getElementById(id);
- if (val == null) {
- item.removeAttribute(attrib);
- return;
- }
- if (typeof(val) == "boolean")
- val = val ? "true" : "false";
- if (item.getAttribute(attrib) != val)
- item.setAttribute(attrib, val);
- }
- }
- // other settings not in the main option dialog
- var otherPref = ["sessions.onStart.sessionpath","unreadTabreload","reload_time","custom_reload_time",
- "filetype","sessions.menu.showext","disableIncompatible","hideIcons","disableF9Key",
- "styles.currentTab","styles.unreadTab","styles.otherTab","styles.progressMeter"];
- function TM_defaultSetting () {
- // set flag to prevent TMupdateSettings from run for each change
- gTabmixPrefs.setBoolPref("extensions.tabmix.setDefault", true);
- TM_setElements(true);
- TM_disableApply();
- // reset other settings to default
- var tmpPref = "extensions.tabmix.";
- for (var i = 0; i < otherPref.length; ++i )
- if (gTabmixPrefs.prefHasUserValue(tmpPref+otherPref[i])) gTabmixPrefs.clearUserPref(tmpPref+otherPref[i]);
- gTabmixPrefs.clearUserPref("extensions.tabmix.setDefault");
- TM_Options.isSessionStoreEnabled(true);
- callUpdateSettings();
- nsIPrefServiceObj.savePrefFile(null); // store the pref immediately
- }
- function getPrefByType(prefName) {
- try {
- switch (gTabmixPrefs.getPrefType(prefName)) {
- case pBranch.PREF_BOOL:
- return gTabmixPrefs.getBoolPref(prefName);
- case pBranch.PREF_INT:
- return gTabmixPrefs.getIntPref(prefName);
- case pBranch.PREF_STRING:
- return gTabmixPrefs.getCharPref(prefName);
- }
- } catch (ex) {TMP_ASSERT(ex, "error in getPrefByType " + "\n" + "caller " + getPrefByType.caller.name + "\n"+ prefName);}
- return null;
- }
- function setPrefByType(prefName, newValue, atImport) {
- try {
- switch (gTabmixPrefs.getPrefType(prefName)) {
- case pBranch.PREF_BOOL:
- if (atImport) {
- newValue = /true/i.test(newValue);
- // from tabmix we use extensions.tabmix.hideTabbar
- if (prefName == "browser.tabs.autoHide") {
- newValue = newValue ? 1 : 0;
- gTabmixPrefs.setIntPref("extensions.tabmix.hideTabbar", newValue);
- return;
- }
- }
- gTabmixPrefs.setBoolPref(prefName, newValue);
- break;
- case pBranch.PREF_INT:
- gTabmixPrefs.setIntPref(prefName, newValue);
- break;
- case pBranch.PREF_STRING:
- // in prev version we use " " for to export string to file
- if (atImport && newValue.indexOf('"') == 0)
- newValue = newValue.substring(1,newValue.length-1);
- gTabmixPrefs.setCharPref(prefName, newValue);
- break;
- default:
- if (!atImport)
- break;
- // when we import from old saved file, we need to replace old pref that are not in use.
- switch (prefName) {
- // in we changed tab color from old pref to new pref
- // old pref "extensions.tabmix.currentColor" type integer
- // new pref "extensions.tabmix.currentColorCode" type string
- case "extensions.tabmix.currentColor":
- case "extensions.tabmix.unreadColor":
- case "extensions.tabmix.progressColor":
- var colorCodes = ["#CF1919", "#0E36EF", "#DDDF0D", "#3F8F3E", "#E066FF", "#86E7EF",
- "#FFFFFF", "#7F7F7F", "#000000", "#EF952C", "#FF82AB", "#7F4C0F", "#AAAAFF"]
- newValue = colorCodes[newValue];
- prefName = prefName + "Code";
- // in 2008-12-24 we combined all style pref into one per type
- // extensions.tabmix.styles.[TYPE NAME]
- case "extensions.tabmix.boldUnread":
- case "extensions.tabmix.italicUnread":
- case "extensions.tabmix.underlineUnread":
- case "extensions.tabmix.boldCurrent":
- case "extensions.tabmix.italicCurrent":
- case "extensions.tabmix.underlineCurrent":
- case "extensions.tabmix.unreadColorCode":
- case "extensions.tabmix.currentColorCode":
- case "extensions.tabmix.progressColorCode":
- case "extensions.tabmix.useCurrentColor":
- case "extensions.tabmix.useUnreadColor":
- case "extensions.tabmix.useProgressColor":
- var pref = prefName.toLowerCase().replace(/extensions.tabmix.|color/g,"")
- .replace(/italic|bold|underline/g, ",$&,")
- .replace("use", ",text,")
- .replace("code", ",textColor,")
- .split(",");
- var styleName, attrib;
- [styleName, attrib] = prefName.indexOf("Code") > -1 ? [pref[0], pref[1]] : [pref[2], pref[1]];
- if (styleName == "progress") {
- attrib = attrib.replace("text", "bg");
- styleName += "Meter"
- }
- else
- styleName += "Tab";
- oldStylePrefs[styleName][attrib] = newValue;
- oldStylePrefs.found = true;
- break;
- // changed at 2008-02-26
- case "extensions.tabmix.undoCloseCache":
- gTabmixPrefs.setIntPref("browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo", newValue);
- break;
- // changed at 2008-08-17
- case "extensions.tabmix.opentabfor.search":
- gTabmixPrefs.setBoolPref("browser.search.openintab", /true/i.test(newValue));
- break;
- // changed at 2008-09-23
- case "extensions.tabmix.keepWindow":
- gTabmixPrefs.setBoolPref("browser.tabs.closeWindowWithLastTab", !(/true/i.test(newValue)));
- break;
- // changed at 2008-09-28
- case "browser.ctrlTab.mostRecentlyUsed":
- case "extensions.tabmix.lasttab.handleCtrlTab":
- gTabmixPrefs.setBoolPref("browser.ctrlTab.previews", /true/i.test(newValue));
- break;
- // 2008-11-29
- case "extensions.tabmix.maxWidth":
- gTabmixPrefs.setIntPref("browser.tabs.tabMaxWidth", newValue);
- break;
- // 2008-11-29
- case "extensions.tabmix.minWidth":
- gTabmixPrefs.setIntPref("browser.tabs.tabMinWidth", newValue);
- break;
- // 2009-01-31
- case "extensions.tabmix.newTabButton.leftside":
- gTabmixPrefs.setIntPref("extensions.tabmix.newTabButton.position", /true/i.test(newValue) ? 0 : 2);
- break;
- // 2009-10-10
- case "extensions.tabmix.windows.warnOnClose":
- gTabmixPrefs.setBoolPref("extensions.tabmix.tabs.warnOnClose", gTabmixPrefs.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.warnOnClose"));
- gTabmixPrefs.setBoolPref("browser.tabs.warnOnClose", /true/i.test(newValue));
- break;
- }
- }
- } catch (ex) {TMP_ASSERT(ex, "error in setPrefByType " + "\n" + "caller " + setPrefByType.caller.name + "\n"+ prefName + "\n" + newValue);}
- }
- function TM_setElements (restore, start) {
- for (var i = 0; i < gPrefs.length; ++i ) {
- var item = gPrefs[i];
- var pref = item.getAttribute("prefstring");
- if (restore) {
- switch (pref) {
- case "browser.tabs.closeWindowWithLastTab": // exist in firefox version 3.5
- gTabmixPrefs.setBoolPref(pref, false);
- break;
- case "browser.ctrlTab.previews": // exist in firefox version 3.5
- gTabmixPrefs.setBoolPref(pref, true);
- break;
- case "browser.link.open_external": // not exist from firefox 3.5
- gTabmixPrefs.setIntPref(pref, 3);
- break;
- default:
- if (gTabmixPrefs.prefHasUserValue(pref))
- gTabmixPrefs.clearUserPref(pref);
- }
- }
- var prefValue = getPrefByType(pref);
- switch (item.localName) {
- case "checkbox":
- if (item.hasAttribute("inverted"))
- prefValue = !prefValue;
- item.checked = prefValue;
- break;
- case "radiogroup":
- if (item.hasAttribute("boolean"))
- prefValue = prefValue ? 0 : 1;
- item.selectedIndex = prefValue;
- break;
- default:
- item.value = prefValue;
- }
- }
- setSelectedIndex(document.getElementById("tabclicking_tabs").selectedIndex);
- TM_Options.checkDependant(start);
- }
- function exportData() {
- TM_EMsave();
- var patterns = new Array;
- patterns[0] = "tabmixplus";
- var z = 1, pref;
- for (var i = 0; i < gPrefs.length; ++i ) {
- pref = gPrefs[i].getAttribute("prefstring");
- patterns[z++] = pref + "=" + getPrefByType(pref);
- }
- // more pref to save
- for (i = 0; i < otherPref.length; ++i ){
- pref = "extensions.tabmix." + otherPref[i];
- patterns[z++] = pref + "=" + getPrefByType(pref);
- }
- saveToFile(patterns);
- return true;
- }
- function saveToFile (patterns) {
- // thanks to adblock
- var fp = Cc["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFilePicker);
- var stream = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/file-output-stream;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFileOutputStream);
- fp.init(window, null, fp.modeSave);
- fp.defaultExtension = "txt";
- fp.defaultString = "TMPpref";
- fp.appendFilters(fp.filterText);
- if (fp.show() != fp.returnCancel) {
- if (fp.file.exists()) fp.file.remove(true);
- fp.file.create(fp.file.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0666);
- stream.init(fp.file, 0x02, 0x200, null);
- for (var i = 0; i < patterns.length ; i++) {
- patterns[i]=patterns[i]+"\n";
- stream.write(patterns[i], patterns[i].length);
- }
- stream.close();
- }
- }
- var oldStylePrefs = {currentTab: {}, unreadTab: {}, progressMeter: {}, found: false};
- function importData () {
- var pattern = loadFromFile();
- if (!pattern) return false;
- var i, stringBundle;
- if(pattern[0]!="tabmixplus") {
- stringBundle = document.getElementById("tmp-string-bundle");
- // Can not import because it is not a valid file.
- alert(stringBundle.getString("tmp.importPref.error1"));
- return false;
- }
- // set flag to prevent TMupdateSettings from run for each change
- gTabmixPrefs.setBoolPref("extensions.tabmix.setDefault", true);
- var prefName, prefValue;
- for (i=1; i<pattern.length; i++){
- var index = pattern[i].indexOf("=");
- if (index > 0){
- prefName = pattern[i].substring(0,index);
- prefValue = pattern[i].substring(index+1,pattern[i].length);
- setPrefByType(prefName, prefValue, true);
- }
- }
- if (oldStylePrefs.found) {
- var browserWindow = getMostRecentWindow();
- browserWindow.gTMPprefObserver.converOldStylePrefs("currentTab", oldStylePrefs.currentTab);
- browserWindow.gTMPprefObserver.converOldStylePrefs("unreadTab", oldStylePrefs.unreadTab);
- browserWindow.gTMPprefObserver.converOldStylePrefs("progressMeter", oldStylePrefs.progressMeter);
- oldStylePrefs = {currentTab: {}, unreadTab: {}, progressMeter: {}, found: false};
- }
- gTabmixPrefs.clearUserPref("extensions.tabmix.setDefault");
- TM_setElements(false);
- TM_disableApply();
- TM_Options.isSessionStoreEnabled(true);
- callUpdateSettings();
- nsIPrefServiceObj.savePrefFile(null); // store the pref immediately
- return true;
- }
- function loadFromFile() {
- // thanks to adblock
- var fp = Cc["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFilePicker);
- var stream = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFileInputStream);
- var streamIO = Cc["@mozilla.org/scriptableinputstream;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIScriptableInputStream);
- fp.init(window, null, fp.modeOpen);
- fp.defaultExtension = "txt";
- fp.appendFilters(fp.filterText);
- if (fp.show() != fp.returnCancel) {
- stream.init(fp.file, 0x01, 0444, null);
- streamIO.init(stream);
- var input = streamIO.read(stream.available());
- streamIO.close();
- stream.close();
- var linebreak = input.match(/(((\n+)|(\r+))+)/m)[1]; // first: whole match -- second: backref-1 -- etc..
- return input.split(linebreak);
- }
- return null;
- }
- function convertSession() {
- var browserWindow = getMostRecentWindow();
- if (document.getElementById("chooseFile").selectedItem.value == 0)
- browserWindow.convertSession.selectFile(window);
- else
- browserWindow.convertSession.convertFile();
- this.focus();
- }
- var applyData = [];
- function TM_enableApply(aEvent) {
- var item = aEvent.target;
- // only allow event from this item to go on....
- var n = item.localName;
- if (n != "radio" && n != "menuitem" &&
- n != "checkbox" && n != "textbox")
- return;
- if (n == "checkbox" && document.getElementById("obs_" + item.id))
- TM_Options.disabled(item);
- // if we fail once no need to continue and we keep the apply button enable
- if ("undefined" in applyData)
- return;
- // set item for menuitem
- if (n == "menuitem")
- item = item.parentNode.parentNode;
- // set item for radio
- if (n == "radio")
- item = item.parentNode;
- if (item.hasAttribute("prefstring_item")) {
- var itemId = item.getAttribute("prefstring_item");
- if (itemId == "no_prefstring")
- return;
- else {
- item = document.getElementById(itemId);
- item.value = aEvent.target.value; // we don't use this for checkbox
- }
- }
- // fix "-" in ss_postdatabytes to allow "-1"
- if (item.id == "ss_postdatabytes" && item.value.length > 1) {
- var val = item.value;
- if (val.length == 2 && val.indexOf("-") == 0 && val != "-1")
- aEvent.target.value = "-1";
- if (val.length > 2 && val.indexOf("-") == 0)
- aEvent.target.value = val.substr(2);
- }
- if (item.hasAttribute("prefstring"))
- updateApplyData(item);
- else {
- tmLog("erorr in tabmix options, item.id " + aEvent.target.id + "\n has no prefstring");
- applyData["undefined"] = true;
- document.documentElement.getButton("extra1").disabled = false;
- }
- }
- // return value from item
- function getValue(item) {
- if (item.localName == "checkbox")
- return item.hasAttribute("inverted") ? !item.checked : item.checked;
- return item.value;
- }
- // set value to item
- function setValue(item, newValue) {
- if (item.localName == "checkbox")
- item.checked = item.hasAttribute("inverted") ? !newValue : newValue;
- else
- item.value = newValue;
- }
- function updateApplyData(item, newValue) {
- if (typeof(newValue) == "undefined")
- newValue = getValue(item);
- else
- setValue(item, newValue)
- var pref = item.getAttribute("prefstring");
- var savedValue = getPrefByType(pref);
- if (savedValue != newValue)
- applyData[pref] = newValue;
- else if (pref in applyData)
- delete applyData[pref];
- var applyCount = 0;
- for (var n in applyData) {
- if (++applyCount > 0)
- break;
- }
- var applyButton = document.documentElement.getButton("extra1");
- if (applyButton.disabled != (applyCount == 0))
- applyButton.disabled = applyCount == 0;
- }
- function TM_disableApply() {
- document.documentElement.getButton("extra1").disabled = true;
- applyData = [];
- }
- function setLastTab(event) {
- try {
- // remove EventListener when we exit
- window.removeEventListener("unload", setLastTab, false);
- window.removeEventListener("command", TM_enableApply, false);
- window.removeEventListener("input", TM_enableApply, false);
- document.getElementById("tabclicking_tabs").removeEventListener("select", tabSelectionChanged, false);
- gTabmixPrefs.setIntPref("extensions.tabmix.selected_tab", document.getElementById("tabMixTabBox").selectedIndex);
- var subtabs = document.getElementsByAttribute("subtub", "true");
- var subTab = "extensions.tabmix.selected_sub_tab";
- for (var i = 0; i < subtabs.length; i++)
- gTabmixPrefs.setIntPref(subTab + subtabs[i].getAttribute("value"), subtabs[i].selectedIndex);
- nsIPrefServiceObj.savePrefFile(null); // store the pref immediately
- } catch(ex) {}
- }
- function getTab() {
- try {
- var browserWindow = getMostRecentWindow();
- var selTabindex = browserWindow.TMP_getIntPref("", "extensions.tabmix.selected_tab" , 0);
- TM_selectTab(selTabindex);
- var subtabs = document.getElementsByAttribute("subtub", true);
- var subTab = "extensions.tabmix.selected_sub_tab";
- for (var i = 0; i < subtabs.length; i++) {
- var val = browserWindow.TMP_getIntPref("" ,subTab + subtabs[i].getAttribute("value"), 0);
- subtabs[i].selectedIndex = val;
- }
- } catch(ex) {tmLog(ex);}
- }
- // this function is called from here and from TMP_openDialog if the dialog already opened
- function TM_selectTab(aSelTab) {
- document.getElementById("tabMixTabBox").selectedIndex = (aSelTab) ? aSelTab : 0;
- var tabId = document.getElementsByTagName("tab")[aSelTab].id;
- var catButtons = document.getElementById("TM_ButtonBox").childNodes;
- for(var i = 0; i < catButtons.length; i++)
- if(catButtons[i].getAttribute("group", "categories"))
- catButtons[i].setAttribute("checked", (catButtons[i].id == "button" + tabId));
- }
- function showIncompatible() {
- var browserWindow = getMostRecentWindow();
- if (browserWindow) {
- var result = browserWindow.disableExtensions(this);
- if (result) {
- document.getElementById("incompatible").collapsed = true;
- sizeToContent();
- }
- this.focus();
- }
- else {
- var promptService = Cc["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsIPromptService);
- var stringBundle = document.getElementById("tmp-string-bundle");
- var title = stringBundle.getString("tabmixoption.error.title");
- var msg = stringBundle.getString("tabmixoption.error.msg");
- promptService.alert(window, title, msg);
- window.close();
- }
- }
- function tabSelectionChanged(event) {
- if (!event || event.target.localName != "tabs")
- return;
- var index = event.target.selectedIndex;
- setSelectedIndex(index);
- }
- function setSelectedIndex(index) {
- var c = ["dbl", "middle", "ctrl", "shift", "alt"];
- var clickTab = document.getElementById("ClickTab");
- var prefId = c[index] + "ClickTab";
- clickTab.value = document.getElementById(prefId).value;
- clickTab.setAttribute("prefstring_item", prefId);
- var clickTabbar = document.getElementById("ClickTabbar");
- prefId = c[index] + "ClickTabbar";
- clickTabbar.value = document.getElementById(prefId).value;
- clickTabbar.setAttribute("prefstring_item", prefId);
- }
- function getMostRecentWindow() {
- return winMediator.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
- }
- function tabmixCustomizeToolbar() {
- window._tabmixCustomizeToolbar = true;
- getMostRecentWindow().BrowserCustomizeToolbar();
- }
- function toolbarButtons(aWindow) {
- var buttons = ["btn_sessionmanager", "btn_undoclose", "btn_closedwindows", "btn_tabslist"];
- var onToolbar = document.getElementById("onToolbar");
- var onPlate = document.getElementById("onPlate");
- for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; ++i ) {
- var button = aWindow.document.getElementById(buttons[i]);
- var optionButton = document.getElementById("_" + buttons[i]).parentNode;
- if (button)
- onToolbar.appendChild(optionButton);
- else
- onPlate.appendChild(optionButton);
- }
- onToolbar.childNodes[1].hidden = onToolbar.childNodes.length > 2;
- onPlate.childNodes[1].hidden = onPlate.childNodes.length > 2;
- }
- function openHelp() {
- var helpPages = [{id:"Links", tabs:[""]},
- {id:"Events", tabs:["Tab_Opening", "Tab_Focus", "Tab_Closing", "Tab_Merging", "Tab_Features"]}, // 1
- {id:"Display", tabs:["Tab_bar", "Tab" , "Tab"]}, /* toolbar not exsit yet */ // 2
- {id:"Mouse", tabs:["Mouse_Gestures", "Mouse_Clicking"]}, // 3 //sub sub tab 6
- {id:"Menu", tabs:["Tab_Context_Menu", "Main_Context_Menu", "Tools_Menu"]}, // 4
- {id:"Session", tabs:["StartExit", "Restore" , "Preserve"]}, // 5
- ];
- // get curent tab index and sub tab if there is one
- var topLevel, subLevel;
- topLevel = subLevel = document.getElementById("tabMixTabBox").selectedIndex;
- var subtabs = document.getElementsByAttribute("subtub", "true");
- if (topLevel > 0) {
- if (topLevel < 4)
- subLevel--;
- subLevel = subtabs[subLevel].selectedIndex
- }
- var subPage = helpPages[topLevel].tabs[subLevel];
- var pageaddress = "/#" + helpPages[topLevel].id + (subPage ? "_-_" + subPage : "");
- var helpPage = "http://tmp.garyr.net/help"
- var helpUrl = helpPage + pageaddress;
- var tabToSelect;
- // Check if the help page already open
- var recentWindow = getMostRecentWindow();
- var tabBrowser = recentWindow.gBrowser;
- for (var i = 0; i < tabBrowser.browsers.length; i++) {
- if (tabBrowser.browsers[i].currentURI.spec.indexOf(helpPage) == 0) {
- tabToSelect = tabBrowser.tabContainer.childNodes[i];
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!tabToSelect) {
- if (tabBrowser.isBlankNotBusyTab(tabBrowser.mCurrentTab))
- tabToSelect = tabBrowser.mCurrentTab
- else
- tabToSelect = tabBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
- }
- tabBrowser.selectedTab = tabToSelect;
- tabBrowser.selectedBrowser.userTypedValue = helpUrl;
- recentWindow.loadURI(helpUrl, null, null, false);
- if (recentWindow.gIsFirefox36)
- tabBrowser.selectedBrowser.focus();
- else
- recentWindow.focusElement(recentWindow.content);
- }